Thursday, May 28, 2009

11.) Practice "Giving"

11.) Practice "Giving"

The TRUE spirit of the holiday season can only be experienced through the gift of giving. That doesn't mean to run out and grab some last minute charity presents for the local homeless shelter (although that is an awfully nice thing to do). What I'm referring to here is to donate some TIME to helping a local charity. Many times this precious gift is more important than that of a monetary hand. However, if all you can offer IS a donation of gifts or money, then give it! You will be surprised at how fantastic you feel inside after doing so. Now, if you absolutely cannot do any of those things, why not help a neighbor? I'm sure Mr. Smith next door would appreciate an extra hand in getting those lights set up! After shopping, don't just smile and wish a happy holiday to that "bell-ringer" standing outside in the cold hoping for a few pennies to help their organization. Give them your change from your purchase you just made inside. If you already do this, keep doing it! You know firsthand how quickly it brings a joyous smile to your face from the inside out. And be sure to get your children involved if you have them. Instilling the spirit of giving will carry something special within them for a lifetime.

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