Wednesday, May 27, 2009

6.) Remember What Makes the Holiday Season Special for You and Maintain Focus

6.) Remember What Makes the Holiday Season Special for You and Maintain Focus

Always keep this thought in the back of your mind: "The Holidays Are A Time of SHARING and TOGETHERNESS". Understand that this sentence may have a different meaning for each family member or friend depending on events that have occurred in holidays past. The most common reason for this stress inducer is thinking and remembrance. If something pleasant has occurred for someone, that's what they will tend to remember about the holiday seasons. If the person has experienced an incredible loss, then more than likely they will not be in a very celebratory mood. And you shouldn't expect them to be. Take some time to think about what that person might be feeling before you try and bombard them with "good tidings". But, don't let this discourage you of having a happy holiday though. If you have wonderful memories of togetherness, then bring those memories forward in a way that makes you comfortable without putting others out. Never force your happiness onto someone that has suffered a devastating loss. Allowing each individual to have their own version of how they celebrate, or not celebrate, the holidays can really reduce your stress levels.

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